domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015



·         United States   Resultado de imagen para USA
·         United Kingdom    Resultado de imagen para UK
·         Australia              Resultado de imagen para AUSTRALIA
·         New Zealand         Resultado de imagen para new zealand
·         Canada                   Resultado de imagen para CANADA
·         South Africa        Resultado de imagen para SOUTH AFRICA
·         India                     Resultado de imagen para INDIA
·         Nigeria                 Resultado de imagen para NIGERIA
·         Jamaica                  Resultado de imagen para jamaica
·         Papua New Guinea   Resultado de imagen para papua new guinea
·         Hong Kong            Resultado de imagen para hong kong mapa

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

English-speaking Countries: further practise

The following are different web sites  for you to visit them at home

Resultado de imagen para activity

Resultado de imagen para activity

lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

Countries, Nationalities and Capital Cities(R)

Resultado de imagen para geography teacher                       Resultado de imagen para geography teacher
Go over the following list to learn about some English-speaking countries, nationalities and capital cities.

If you like music, you can visit

 Resultado de imagen para song

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

What are the 7 continents of the world?

What is a continent?

CONTINENT is one of several large landmasses on Earth. The Earth is composed of Seven (7) Continents.

Africa is undeniably a continent by any definition. It is also the second largest continent and second most populous continent with over 840 million people.

Antarctica is also considered a continent. 98 percent of Antarctica is covered in ice and it is the only continent neither considered a country nor claimed by any other country.

Asia is the dominant continent in the world. In truth, the measurements on Asia can be a bit misleading. Under the seven continents methodology, Asia extends over much of Russia, the Mideast and even Egypt.

Oceania is the fourth continent and the smallest one, that is why it is often referred to as the forgotten continent.

Europe is also considered a continent, but there is little geographic evidence supporting this claim. Europe is the second smallest continent.

North America is our next continent. Once again, we run into the practical issue of boundaries. Using the seven continent methodology, North America extends into the arctic as expected, but is also considered to include much of Central America.

South America, with a population of 371 million people, it ranks as the fifth most populous nation.

Reading Comprehension: where is English Spoken?

English Around the World
Approximately 375 million people speak English around the world and there are more than 50 English speaking countries, where English is either the official or the primary language. It is the third most common primary language in the world (behind Mandarin Chinese and Spanish). The English language, which evolved from a combination of Old English and the German Anglo-Saxon tongue, began to be commonly used around the 5th century.

English Speaking Countries in North America
The largest English speaking countries are located in North America--the United States and Canada. Although English and French are both the official languages in Canada, fully 85 percent of that country's population speaks English. In addition to the US and Canada, several Caribbean countries speak English. These are primarily the countries that were colonized by England, and include Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Grenada, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Bermuda, still a part of Great Britain, speaks primarily English as does the tiny, Central American country of Belize. 

English Speaking Countries in Europe
The English language has its roots in northern Europe and so it is fitting that it is widely spoken there. More than 98 percent of the residents of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales) speak English. In addition, English is the official language in the Republic of Ireland and the Isle of Man.

English Speaking Countries in the Rest of the World

The British Empire of the 19th and early 20th centuries as well as the popularity of American culture since World War II has brought the English language to all corners of the globe. It is rare spot where the population doesn't have at least a working understanding of the language. Major English speaking countries outside of Europe and North America include Australia, Nigeria, New Zealand, and South Africa. English is also the primary language in such diverse locales as Guam, Singapore, and the Philippines. Though only a minority of the people (12 percent) in India speak English, that still amounts to more than 125 millions persons in that densely-populated country.

Activity: decide if the following statements are true or false. Then click on the option to check your answer.

  1. English is the official language in the Republic of Ireland.                                TRUE - FALSE 
  2. English is only spokeon in 50 countries.                                                             TRUE - FALSE
  3. The largest English speaking countries are located in Africa.                            TRUE - FALSE
  4. The English Language is one of the most common primary language in the world (behind Mandarin Chinese and Spanish).                                                                        TRUE- FALSE
  5. Very few people in India speak English                                                             TRUE- FALSE
  6. The English language didn´t evolve from a combination of Old English and the German Anglo-Saxon tongue.                                                                                                     TRUE - FALSE